Call for Action: Vitamin D Nutritional Policy in Europe The Need for Prevention, Education & Consumer Choice

10 Jun

23 March 2010, European Parliament, Brussels

Call for Action: Vitamin D Nutritional Policy in Europe

The Need for Prevention, Education & Consumer Choice

Mr János Áder MEP, the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) and the PA International Foundation organized a half-day Conference on the unequivocal need to address widespread Vitamin D deficiency in Europe.

The so-called “sunshine vitamin” is essential for optimal bone and muscle health, but also important for overall human health and well-being. A good Vitamin D and calcium intake can reduce hip and non-vertebral fractures and falls by about 20%. A vast and ever growing body of scientific research shows that vitamin D deficiency is linked to a wide range of diseases, such as osteoporosis but also heart disease, many forms of cancer, diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis, etc. However, no less than 50% of the world population is Vitamin D deficient, mostly among the elderly.